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Zero Emissions Day 2009
Trên toàn cầu Moratorium Combustion các nhiên liệu hóa thạch
You have the power!
On September 21, 2008, people all over our planet supported a modern world first: a global 24 hour moratorium on the combustion of fossil fuels. ZeDay for short.

There are so many indications that it would be good to take a break at this point. We can all do this. There are no special requirements. You have the power to benefit everyone and everything on our planet.
The Path is Easy!
The Guidelines are simple:
  1. Don’t use or burn oil or gas or coal.
  2. Minimize (or eliminate) your use of electricity generated by fossil fuels.
  3. Don’t put anyone in harm’s way: All essential and emergency services operate normally.
  4. Do your best, have fun – enjoy the day!
This might be the best holiday ever. It’s the International Day of Peace as established by United Nations resolution. It’s now also a day when we can celebrate alternatives to energy from fossil fuels – celebrate simply being alive with friends and family – honor how our ancestors have lived for millennia, and help safeguard the well-being of future generations. Really, it might not get any better than this. Join in!
Make history in 2009: just one day for a whole planet.
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ZeDay Activities

Press Release
March 21, 2009

A Letter to President-elect Obama
December 21, 2008

Support ZeDay!

Poster Downloads
A3 (2.4MB PDF)
A4 (2.4MB PDF)
Tabloid (2.4MB PDF)
Legal (2.3MB PDF)
Letter (1.3MB PDF)

Legal 2 up (1.9MB PDF)
Letter 3 up (572K PDF)

Pause Planet Graphic
(7.2MB PDF)

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Sealevel 2009-03-21   zero@zeromissionsday.org