Follow the Money
Everybody understands the Covid-19 vaccine(s) lead to a scandalous big pharma bonanza. Most took the shot in any case, mistakingly thinking all gain, no pain.
Then the adverse vaccine reaction data revealed there could be all sorts of pain associated with the Covid-19 vaccine schedule, and very little benefit. After a year it was apparent that all cause mortality was also spiking. People are just dropping dead unexpectly but NOT from Covid. Public health authorities maintain vaccine mandates and even extended them to younger and younger children. Why?
There are no doubt many Covid-19 follow-the-money stories and theories. This is a page of notes on what I've discovered as the forces and motives driving humanity's most massive genocide to date.
“World events do not occur by accident. They are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce; and most of them are staged and managed by those who hold the purse strings.”
– Denis Healey, former British Defense Minister
The above quote famously appears at the beginning of Daniel Estulin's classic
The True Story of the Bilderberg Group. I note there's a page of controversy on the internet about whether Lord Healy actually said this, but if one stops to think about it, in the end it really doesn't matter:
Either all the notable events of our time, and of history generally, are acts of God or nature, or acts of mischief by those "who hold the purse strings", and have the power to pull things off in their best interests: wars, famines, plagues, assassinations, elections, narratives, you name it — then you decide…
Update February 2023
The rumour that the powers that be might be practicing genocide, has been a far-fetched background notion for sometime. In 2023 one finds more and more authors stating what to them is obvious, "Governments practice genocide. That is what governments do."